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SolarBuddy Partnership
Solar Lighting Designs is pleased to announce a partnership with SolarBuddy. Each night, 789 million people around the world are plunged into darkness with no access to powered lighting. This level of energy poverty faced by families around the world significantly effects children’s access to education as they cannot study after dusk. Solar Buddy is an Australian charity which aims to make and provide free solar lighting to children in developing and impoverished nations. Through community engagement programs, SolarBuddy motivates Australian children to learn how to develop innovative solar lighting technology, which is then provided to families in developing nations. By uniting communities in this international effort, SolarBuddy aims to gift 6 million solar lights to children living in energy poverty by 2030. Solar Lighting Designs is excited to be involved with an organisation that possesses such an honourable and important goal. Through being involved with SolarBuddy, we’re able to support more education workshops being held in local NSW communities which will lead to more free solar lighting being gifted to families in 17 countries around the world. To find out more about SolarBuddy and how you can support their cause click here.